Saturday, December 27, 2008

Finally OVER!!!

The hustle & bustle of the holidays are OVER! I'm so damn happy too! I love the season when everyone is so nice and willing to help those who are needy, but the race to see/purchase the most hippest items or the most wanted toys for their little ones just disgusts me! Then you have to figure out what the person on your list wants/needs. You only have so many ideas and you share those with family and then you have NO more ideas! How do you purchase something for someone who has everything? That's the hard part!

Next is the people who you DO send something for... and then they don't even CALL you to tell you they got the gift. You learn through someone else they did. What hurts is that you want to be thanked for your thoughtfulness. Okay so I like to give, but I also liked to be thanked. Nothing is wrong with that! I give, not to receive...but to be thanked is nice :)

Overall, I would say this is the best Christmas our family has had. Both children are/were into opening gifts... Okay so Rheanna was more into playing with what her brother opened, but at least she enjoyed some part of Christmas! The play kitchen & shopping cart are HUGE hits here! Rheanna is just now getting into dolls and imaginary play (more advanced than boys I guess) than Aryan was at this age. Aryan loved the Fisher-Price GeoAir High Flyin' Airport . I was not wanting to get that for him as he has so many tracks and trains already, but it seemed to work solo. He doesn't know it has expansions to it. 
Our Christmas between hubby and I was fantastic! I really enjoyed the gifts I got this year. I guess it's because I gave him an extensive list! He didn't have to think much. I even got something that was totally surprising to me! An Ipod Nano in PINK! Strangely though, it already has Hindi songs on it! Haha! I love it though! He did very well!

Our Christmas tree is coming down TOMORROW! I'm tired of having to fix ornaments. We've got about 4 to glue back together thanks to Rheanna's little fingers all over the tree. The ornaments have slowly migrated up to the top or to the back. Glad I didn't put all the ornaments up this year! Rheanna is a fast little girl, it's hard to keep up with her and her mischievous ways! We know when she's quiet she's into something. Usually the tree or the tissues!

You know, It's REALLY bothering me that this family friend of ours... who saw me born and I adore as an aunt and a very close friend to our entire family... hasn't called us to tell us thank you, or that they've received the gift. I'm at a loss as to what to do too. If I had my way, I'd probably NEVER send gifts again. This isn't the first time though. I'd send gifts to the kids that she has and I never hear from them. Teach your children to be grateful for what they have.  ~ Which reminds me, I need to have Aryan call everyone and thank them! ~ Okay, I had to get that off my chest. Maybe now I can go to sleep without thinking about this situation. 

Okay, I have a 3 year-old who is up way past his bedtime and I need to get him to bed. Off to read a book!

~ Brandi ~

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