Monday, September 7, 2009

Mind the Rules!!! 20 Items or LESS!!

Okay so heading to walmart early this morning to purchase a small item needed in our house.
I have 5 items and go to the Speedy Checkout lane stating it's "20 items or less". Great!! It's a short line....

BUT WAIT!!! 20 of the same item apparently counts as ONE (1) item? Since When? It was the mentality of THIS lady and her daughter. Who obviously was checking her total every minute to see if she'd have enough money for sweets in the house....

Nothing wrong with watching what you spend, but what IS wrong is that you're in a 20 items or LESS lane and you're causing me to have to wait EXTRA time because you can't COUNT! What are you teaching your daughter? For-go all rules and do what the hell you want? Oh that seems to be the mentality of some of the individuals in this town.

Another Experience:
If their checkout light is off...but people are in the line...Go join them! And I don't EVER see the cashier saying anything to a certain race. It's like they're afraid of their own kind. (This happened at Target)
I was in a line that was LONG because I was mindful of the Cashier and her light turned off because she was due to go on break or even go home. But not ONCE did the cashier say anything to the certain race. But as soon as the opposite race came in the line, she was SUDDENLY closed? Interesting!
This made me upset, but I stood in my line patiently and fumed.
The CHECKOUT lights mean something people!

So to end this little fuming mindful of others:
Obey the 20 items or less lines
20 pieces of the same item DOES NOT mean it counts as ONE!
If the check out light is OFF, that means s/he is CLOSED
If light is off, and Cashier is there, ASK if s/he's open.

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