Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Time FLIES when you're a busy mom!

WOW how time does fly when you're a busy mom with a business and PTA involved. We have ventured into our very first year of being in business with the Photography Business and although we haven't gotten the HUGE business we have hoped for, it's a slow work in progress to build your brand and your name. It's all gonna happen in due time. I just know it!

So let's do some rants because it obviously has kept me up all night long thinking of them....

First off... PTA! NEVER have I seen such disrespect for volunteers in ANY business! Just feel used and over worked. And when I do get to do what is needed, it doesn't seem like it's enough. I love helping out the school but not the ones that work in it. Some staff and teachers are very grateful, yet others not so. Just so much to do for NOT being paid!

NEVER enough TIME! I don't know about other women... but to me it seems like I have never enough time to do what needs to be done. From house keeping, to business call backs to processing pictures to running kids to activities and homework. Oh I forgot to mention dinner too! Now how's a lady suppose to do it all in 24 hours? Definitely need more hours in my day! Know where I can get some?

Kids: THESE little boogers are constantly bringing home germs and not listening. I know it comes with their age, but sheesh! They seem to forget manners and all the rules when they get home from school. I know my two are angels in school... (well at least one of them is) and listen to their teacher and follow all rules, but doesn't mean you can forget what rules are required at home! At least we're not having melt downs with homework anymore!

We did have a fantastic summer! We went to Penn State then to the Smoky Mountains! It was GREAT And LOTS of fun!!! 

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