Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Niece in PICU

A Post from my mother about my niece's condition:

I don’t even know where to begin. Hailey was fine one minute, the next she is
being whisked away by ambulance. It all happened so fast ~ I may miss or may
have a few things incorrect, but I will do my best to give the details as
told them to me.
Tisha and Steven called me yesterday to let me
know that
Hailey was fitted for her new hearing aids but the Dr. that had
fitted her said
that her ear looked just a little nasty & turning red so
she needed to call
Hailey’s pediatrician to make her an appointment. So,
Tisha took her home, laid
her down for a nap and began making phone calls.
When it was time for Hailey to
wake up, Tisha went in her room and Hailey
was burning up with fever. She took
her temperature and it read 106.1! Tisha
of course was thinking that the
thermometer was wrong and that she was extra
hot from being under the covers, so
she threw the covers back and took it
again after a few minutes. This time it
was 106.0 ~ Her dad called 911 – it
was rush hour traffic and to get to the
hospital is a good 30 minutes
without traffic. They arrived to the hospital
within the hour. They began
taking blood, all the normal tests, MRI’s and
X-rays. Her lungs were clear,
her shunt and her ears were fine, no infections in
either ears or shunt. …
We are waiting for the cultures to come back which takes
24 hours to see
what else might be going on. They finally got her fever down to
103, but her
body is fighting something. They admitted her to the PICU with her
BP @
86/56, HR @ 150 and her respiration @ 34. They gave her 2 bolices (sp) and
dopamine. At 10pm her BP went to 90/39, HR 153 and respiration @ 33 and her
was still at 103.something. Her gasses are high and her oxygen levels
are good ~
which has them confused. (Please forgive me for rambling…I am
going off memory
right now) At 10am this morning, her BP dropped again to
79/36 with her gasses
still way high. They decided to intubate her because
her little body is trying
too hard to fight which is making her weak. They
couldn’t put a central line in
her chest because of all of the past central
lines has weakened her chest
muscles, so they put her central line in her
groin area.
It is killing me to
be so far away from my Bug and not be
there for my kids. Tisha’s father is
there, but all of this hospital “stuff”
is taking a toll on him too. He last
seen his wife, Tisha’s mom hooked up to
all of the machines and with tubes and
wires everywhere not too long ago….it
is very hard on him and Tisha both. I
don’t know if I could be of more help,
but I have never been this far away from
them with Hailey in the PICU. My
parents, Steven’s grandparents are on their way
there and should be arriving
within the next couple of hours.
I will update
be updating her
Caringbridge page (link below) as soon as I get any more
information. Please
keep our little Hailey Bug (aroo) in your

Thank you~

Just praying our family works this out and Hailey begins to fight.

~ Brandi ~

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