Monday, October 6, 2008

A Wonderful Monday!

Today was a fantastic day with the children. Aryan to school, me & Rheanna to Harris Teeter Grocery store, and then to home and chill. It started out cold here, warmed up then ended up cooler in the evening. I had to change Rheanna's clothes to something warmer for the afternoon time. Went to pick up Aryan from school and let him and Rheanna play at the school playground. Came home and took a great nap! Had snack and then outside we went again. Both children were very good today. I'm surprised! :) We'll see how the rest of the week goes *haha*

So I spoke with my grandparents today. My grandma is knitting a blanket for Rheanna for Christmas, and curtains for Aryan's room for Christmas as well. Both of these children cherish items like that. Aryan knows where each item he gets comes from. I have asked for our family NOT to get toys for the Christmas season this year. Both children have TOO many toys! I saved some for Rheanna that Aryan used to play with at her age. So I've not fully gone through all of those yet. They both have such different tastes in toys.
Aryan is totally content with doing puzzles OVER and OVER again where as Rheanna is content playing with her Parents Bee Bop Drum! She also likes to just play with what ever Aryan is playing with. Mostly to annoy him. But isn't that what every little sister does?

I came to log on today to post a new blog, and I got a message that my blog has been locked and that their computer has indicated that it's a possible SPAM blog. It will be unlocked after a "HUMAN" reviews it! I found that FUNNY!!! Seriously, just goes to show that computers aren't fool proof!

Ah, today I also worked on my mother's website. She breeds Yorkies and I run her website. I had to update it to show new pictures and indicate that one of the puppies have been adopted and in his loving home! Take a look!

This week is full of many appointments and just errands.
Monday: School
Tuesday: Gymboree & Park probably
Wednesday: MY Rheumotology appointment! *YEAH!!!!* & Aryan's School
Thursday: Aryan's appointment with Dr. Powell for Behavioral problems *will discuss later* & probably park as it's still nice outside!
Friday: Aryan's school, hubby's birthday, and family time!

Being a SAHM Really isn't all roses! I think I run around more now than I ever did! Seems these little ones are always needing and doing something. Be it medicine refills, doctor appointments, entertainment for them, or groceries & school! Sometimes I wonder what life would have been like without children, but then I snap into reality and realize that life would have been boring. Going to work and coming home and veg on the couch. That's just not ideal in my eyes!

I think I'm going to call it a night. Have to get Aryan's milk as Rheanna is already down for the night. I also need to take some medicine as I'm aching all over. Just what happens when you TRY to have a normal life with the children and let them have fun :(

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