Sunday, October 26, 2008

Political Ramble

Okay so this election crap is almost over. As I go through my "Snail" mail today and see the NUMEROUS ads for Senate, Congress & Presidental election, I can't WAIT till November 4th is here and GONE! Seems NO one really gives a flying flip during the "off" years when a president isn't running. But they all step it up a notch (okay a HUGE notch!) when the ever 4 year election is going on for President. And it seems EVERYONE has a political opinion. No one goes around asking you who you're voting for in a city mayor race, or a senate seat or congress seat is up for grabs. So what makes these people so "Political Smart" all of a sudden? Now I'm not saying don't go out there and vote, but YOU pay attention to the politics any OTHER time? We should all really be paying attention to the local elections as THOSE are the ones who speak for THEIR town to get things done in office. The president just has Veto power honestly. You want to vote for the right senator as those are the ones who speak for you and your rights as a citizen.

I'm just tired of everyone having a political opinion, when they OBVIOUSLY don't have any clue about the canadiate they PLAN to vote for. Just because the majority of the party believes in one thing, doesn't mean that THAT CANADIATE believes it too, or even supports it for that matter. Is it too much to ask that people step BEYOND Party lines to LOOK at the other canadiate who's running? Too many people are "party specific" and don't even LISTEN to what the other canadiate has to say.

Okay, stepping off the high horse now :)

~ Brandi ~

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